Friday, March 23, 2018

Down syndrome in dentistry ppt

With over 250children affected in the United States, Down ’s syndrome (DS) accounts for more than of all special needs patients. California Dental Association Journal. Dental caries and periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Special Care Dentistry.

Health problems in down syndrome and strategies for Care. However, some of the problems they have tend to be frequent and severe.

What is Down Syndrome ? Approximately one out of every 800-1births in an extra chromosome of the twenty first group called Trisomy 2 or Down syndrome. Affecting over 250people in the U. Inclusive school, work and community settings are now becoming the norm for persons with Down syndrome. In undergraduate dental training there is usually little or no exposure to treating patients with disabilities, and general practitioners may be hesitant to treat these patients with confidence. This paper will attempt to. There is however, an abnormally large percentage who develop mitral valve prolapse (MVP) by adulthood.

One third of these adults with MVP do not have ausculitory findings, requiring diagnosis of the MVP by echocardiogram.

See full list on library. Absence or reduction in size of the frontal and maxillary sinuses is common. True macroglossia is rare, rather a relative macroglossia is found where the tongue is of normal size but the oral cavity is decreased in size due to the underdevelopment of the mid-face. In actuality the vault is of normal height but the sides of the hard palate are abnormally thick. Treatment objectives for any population with developmental disabilities should be the same as that of normal patients.

Areas of dental care such as cosmetic dentistry , orthodontics, prosthodontics, and reconstructive oral surgery should not be ruled out simply because the patient has Down syndrome. Good behavior in the dental office is learned. In a population with delayed learning, this can be a challenge for the dentist and staff. There may be more pressing medical problems, financial considerations or parents may want to wait until the child seems mature enough to handle a visit to the dentist. Unfortunately this makes it more difficult to teach proper home care and to develop a relationship with the child that will result in co-operative behavior during dental treatment.

Determining the level of communication is very important in developing a co-operative relationship with your patient with Down syndrome. It is important that the dentist communicate directly with the patient whenever possible in ord. Left untreate obstructive sleep apnea can further increase developmental delay and lead to pulmonary hypotension and congestive heart failure.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include snoring, restless sleep and unusual sleeping positions. If a patient's family or caregiver reports these symptoms, then referral to a sleep disorders clinic is indicated. Although this population has some unique dental care needs, few patients require special facilities in order to receive dental treatment. Adequate dental health care for persons with developmental disabilities is a major unmet health need.

The level of receptive vs.

It is hoped that the information contained in this review will encourage general practitioners to be willing to provide comprehensive dental care to their patients with Down syndrome. Delayed eruption is a prime example of the handful of common dental problems that are seen in patients with Down syndrome. PPT ) Oral Health and Down Syndrome - as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Preoperative evaluation and comprehensive risk assessment for children with Down syndome.

Borland LM, Colligan J, Brandom BW. Pediatric Anesthesia. Gisel EG, Lange LJ, Niman CW. Tongue movements in 4- and 5-year-old Down 's syndrome children during eating: A comparison with normal children.

Down Syndrome advances in biomedicine and behavorial sciences. In: Pueschel R, editor. We also treat people who are otherwise healthy, but have a history. It is important to be aware of the type of anatomical soft tissue and dental anomalies which are part of the typical developmental pattern of people with Down 's Syndrome , which have influence on dental problems. Usually most of the dental treatment for persons with.

It can be an overwhelming experience, causing them to become too anxious to receive the dental care that they need. In these cases, dental sedation may be beneficial. Down syndrome varies in severity, so developmental problems range from moderate to serious.

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