What is procedure of selection in NDA? UPSC Exam Dates Free UPSC Updates and Study Tips Select Your. General Ability Test. Paper in NDA covers Mathematics.
NDA Exam syllabus is the same for the last few years. The cutoff is the minimum. Interpersonal skills including communication skills. Click on the attachment to download the syllabus. For that reason, we have uploaded both the information on this page.
UPSC NDA is a National Level Exam conducted twice in a year. You can check the complete exam pattern, selection procedure and syllabus in one post. Moreover, a lot of people have participated in the recruitment process. Therefore, at the down, you will find the pdf link. Eligible candidates can apply online for the exam.
No, it remains same every year. Which book is considered best? NDA syllabus is prescribed by UPSC. To clear concepts, candidates can refer to NCERT Class and books. Commission conducts examination by receiving applications from aspirants.
They should then start their NDA preparation as per the NDA Syllabus. These vacancies approximately 4in numbers are to be filled. Candidates are advised to prepare for the exam according to the syllabus to score good marks. NDA exam is a national level entrance exam organized for the candidates who wish to join the Indian Navy, Air Force and Army.

NDA Recruitment is the best option for those who want to become a job in Indian defense services. With the help of the syllabus , candidates will be able to know the important topics for the exam and plan their study accordingly. National Defence Academy ( NDA ) is the Joint Services academy of the Indian Armed Forces. Indian Defense Forces consists Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force.
It has its headquarters at Dholpur House, New Delhi. These key are being provided by various coaching. Candidates will be able to collect the required preparation material based on the syllabus of the exam. Concept of set, operations on sets, Venn diagrams.

De Morgan laws, Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation. Representation of real numbers on a line. Complex numbers—basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity.
Binary system of numbers. Knowing important topics before starting preparation is very important. There is a common UPSC syllabus pattern for services such as the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise) to name a few. However, different stages of the IAS exam have different syllabi. Every year UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts NDA Entrance Exam to enroll the deserved candidates for Indian defense forces.
Now NDA NA Syllabus is given in our blog. Here candidates can get updates, admit cards, and other important details regarding UPSC Syllabus. You will face a general ability test of NDA to qualify.
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