Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Coral travel and tours

Our expert team of Israeli tour guides is. Call us for a free no-obligation quote. Family-owned and operated. We offer a wide range of travel programs to suit the needs of both individuals and groups alike.

Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel-Aviv.

Based on your arrival time you may be able to drive to the ancient city of Jaffa where the prophet Jonah set sail for Tarshish, the Apostle Peter raised Tabitha, and where Peter’s vision opened up the Gospel to people from all nations. Drive by Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, where the state of Israel was born. Begin your pilgrimage in the Holy Land with the Lord on the shores of the Mediterranean. Those who arrive later can go straight to the hotel.

Dinner and overnight: Hotel by the Mediterranean. See full list on coraltours. Ascend to the top of Mt.

Carmel where Elijah challenged and defeated the prophets of Baal. View the Valley of Armageddon, the destination of all end-time prophecy. Journey to the ancient city of Jezreel (Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah), the ancientVineyards (Naboth), view the Jezreel Valley, theBattlefield of Gideon, Endor, (Saul, Jonathan, Davi Gideon,and more). End the day in the land ofGalilee, overlooking the beautiful Sea of Galilee, where the Lord walked.

Begin the day entering the ancient city of Capernaum, where Messiah dwelt, ministere and healed the sick (Matthew 4:13). Visit the excavation of the House of the Apostle Peter and worship in the Ancient Synagogue of Capernaum. At Kibbutz Ginosar visit the Jesus Boat from the time and place of Jesus.

In the evening, seal the day by experiencing a special Candlelight Service on the very ground of the Ancient Synagogue of Chorazim where Messiah actually stood and ministered and partake in a special time of Communion! In the morning enter to the Land of Cana and Tzippori, where Messiah performed his first miracle at the Wedding (John 2: 1-11). While here you can renew your consecration to the Lord and couples can renew their vows to each other in a special ceremony of Rededication. Precipice where Messiah would have stood overlooking the Jezreel Valley and see Nazareth, the place where Messiah spent most of His time on earth.

Then experience a very special time with the Lord on the Northern Shore of the Sea of Galilee where Messiah called His disciples, in the land of Tabgha, the place of miracles. At the end of the day, as the sun sets, you’ll board one of the Galilean ships as did the disciples and Sail on the Sea of Galilee in worship and in the Lord’s presence as did the disciples. Take time in the morning to relax and bathe in the Dead Sea, an experience like no other, or swim in the pool or spa or just relax.

Later set out to places most people never get to see – Experience the Wilderness in the Bedouin Tent Camp of Kfar Hanokdim where you will be able to Ride a Camel and enjoy a Bedouin Banquet.

Then go to the caves and the ancient ruins of Susia. Experience aSunday Worship Service in a synagogue from ancient times and discover another stunning mystery in the ruins that exists nowhere else on planet earth! You will then journey to a Mystery Place you already know from the Bible but will experience in reality (we can’t tell you yet!) – Finally, ascend to the Mountains of Moriah to the center of the world to behold the Holy City, the city of your salvation: Jerusalem. Experience another day that most people never experience as we embark on an adventure following the footsteps of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob on the Road of the Patriarchs. Journey to Elon Moreh, the “Oaks of Moreh” where Abraham stood and built an altar to the Lord.

Go up the Mountain of Blessing, Mt. Gerizim, where the blessings of God were recited in the Book of Joshua. Overlook the ancient city of Shechem where the patriarchs dwelt, where the story of Joseph and his twelve brothers took place. Then seal the day at night with a beautiful experience overlooking the little town of Bethlehem– w. Begin the day at the center of the center of the worl the Temple Mount, where the Temple of God stoo and where Messiah is coming back to reign.

See the Synagogue of the Samaritans. Stand in the place where most of the people of the Bible walke from David and Solomon to the apostles Peter and Paul, and Messiah Himself. Enter the Jaffa Gate and walk through ancient market place, theShuk. Walk the streets of the ancient Cardo and enter the Jewish quarter and see prophecy fulfilled before your eyes. Spend some free time on your own journeying through the streets of Jerusalem.

Go on an ‘Indiana Jones’ adventure in the Ancient Tunnel under the Temple! Approach the Western Wall, the holiest place in Judaism and spend time in the Lord’s presence by the ancient stones. Gather at the Ancient Steps of the Temple, the actual ancient ste. Your flight departs around midnight or in the morning.

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Other services offered are health and beauty. We compile individually customized information packages at fair prices for your next trip. Coral Travel and Tours.

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