Thursday, February 28, 2019

Encourage sentence

What does encourage means? How to use encourage in a sentence. Encourage in a sentence 1. His parents encourage him in his studies.

The government wants to encourage viable self-contained rural communities.

A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity. They often encourage the students with. Think about leaving an area of wilder, longer grass to save effort and encouragewildlife.

When stress hits, encourageyour child to jog around the block, take a bike ride, do jumping jacks. He nodde apparently encouraged by her smile. Synonym Discussion of encourage.

Direct your thoughts and emotions into a more positive, motivated and centered headspace once again.

Often we women are risk averse. Now, more than ever, young women need more seasoned women to provide that encouragement, to take a risk, to go for it. Once a glass ceiling is broken, it stays broken. You must encourage him to try again.

The encourage list of example sentences with encourage. This will encourage my new hands, utterly untrained. Examples of encourage in a sentence : 1. My wife gave me a lot of encouragement when I was writing my first book. Congress, and state and local legislatures should repeal mandatory minimum sentences and shorten sentence lengths across the board. The phrasal verb “give up” means to desist, to stop trying – so you can say “Don’t give up!

Come on, you can do it! Use this phrase to emphasize the person’s ability to succeed. You can say this to a person who has low self-esteem or has difficulty believing they can succeed. Use these words of encouragement to help someone who needs a little inspiration.

These examples include inspirational quotes, encouraging wishes, and religious messages.

Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 1related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for encourage. Another word for encourage.

ARDEX encourage regular feedback from their end users which is utilized to assist them to consistently manufacture an advanced range of specialist construction. To inspire with hope, cou. See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Use encourage in a sentence 1. Some close advisers are encouraging him to keep his options open. There’s even a children’s book called “‘I Can Do It’ Day.

To encourage yourself, say “I” instead of “you” or “we”: I can do it! This phrase is often used when someone has doubts about their abilities. For example: A: This engineering exam is going to be really hard. B: You can do it, Chad!

Best Sentences to Praise Your Students. Educators have long been trying to identify the best ways to praise students and influence behavior. And new research is helping teachers understand which types of praise are most meaningful to students an more importantly, most likely to increase motivation.

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