Thursday, August 23, 2018

Emigration meaning

English dictionary definition of emigration. To leave one country or region to settle in another. See Usage Note at migrate. Definition of emigration : an act or instance of emigrating : departure from a place of abode, natural home, or country for life or residence elsewhere Further Chinese emigration to Taiwan was to be carefully limited.

A person who is emigrating or has emigrated can be called an emigrant. Less commonly, emigration can also be used to refer to emigrants collectively.

Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another. Both are acts of migration across national or other geographical boundaries. Demographers examine push and pull factors for people to be pushed out of one place and attracted to another. It is synonymous with émigré, a word that is especially used of a person who has left for political reasons.

Its prefix, e-, also comes from Latin and means “out of. Emigration is “ an act or instance of emigrating. So, an emigrant is someone who is moving out of a country. Migrate is to move, like birds in the winter.

Migration is an umbrella term that covers both “immigrate” and “emigrate.

Immigrate” is to enter a foreign country to live. Get Your 1-on-Legal Consultation. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing.

Therefore, emigrate means “to move out of” and immigrate means “to move into. Or to put it even more simply, You immigrate “into” places. You emigrate “from” places. While immigration means the movement of people to a country, emigration means the movement of people from a country. Moreover, emigration has derived from the Latin emigrare which means to move.

To immigrate means to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence. Here are some examples. Emigrate is not an alternative spelling of immigrate.

To best understand them, remember that Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Meaning of emigration. What does emigration mean ? Chris is an emigrant from the United States that now lives in Canada. The act of emigrating.

Pronunciation Usage Guide. Controversy over the fate of migrant workers in the United States is often a hot topic in the news.

People have a variety of reasons for changing the country within which they reside. Another word for emigration. Find more ways to say emigration , along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus. It is somewhat in the same context as immigration, but the act is the opposite.

As with immigration, it usually refers to a permanent relocation of residency and is applicable only to people. Act of leaving the home country or place of residence to live elsewhere. Most of us are familiar with the term immigration, which is the process of people moving from one country to another with the intent of living there permanently.

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