Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dugong endangered species great barrier reef

For decades, the Great Barrier Reef has enjoyed World Heritage Status and been synonymous with diving, tourism and with Australia. The northern Great Barrier Reef is a stronghold for dugongs , which are threatened all around the world. In Australia, dugong are protected under various pieces of legislation. Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef have co-existed with dugongs for more than 60years.

The Dugong ’s brain only weighs 3grams of their 400kg!

What is the endangered species in the Great Barrier Reef? Is the Dugong endangered? Is dugong in the Great Barrier Reef? Why is the Great Barrier Reef endangered? Currently, the dugong populations surrounding the Great Barrier Reef world heritage area are in decline due to poor water quality.

However, in areas such as the northern third of the Great Barrier Reef (near Cooktown, Harvey Bay, and Morton Bay) and the waters surrounding the Torres Strait Islands, dugong populations are believed to be stable. The dugong , sometimes referred to as the elephant of the sea, is one of the most endangered animals in the Great Barrier Reef , Australia and the whole world.

It’s estimated that there’s only 10of these gentle giants left in the wild. Several reef species , including dugongs and loggerhead and. The dugong , one of four species of sea cow in the order Sirenia, live throughout shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific. Because of its inherent value as a food item, the dugong has occupied a significant role in the life styles of north-east coast Queensland indigenous people. The need for management of dugong , an endangered species found within Great Barrier Reef waters, is established.

Sadly, these beautiful and rare marine mammals need your help. Dugongs that call the Great Barrier Reef home are at risk from being entangled and killed by huge gill nets. One method used to mitigate the effects of commercial fishing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the implementation of Dugong Protection Areas (DPA’s).

DPA – A Zones contain over of dugong numbers in the southern GBR and prohibit offshore, foreshore and drift nets. Rare or threatened animals of Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park. Total number of species : 130. Download this information in.

Damselfish, wrasses, and tusk fish are among the most abundant fish on the reef. Keywords : Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, dugong , endangered species , traditional use, user involvement, research, management, education Technical Reports are intended for detailed papers which represent the ,Authority’s position Postal Address: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority P. The reef has great species diversity with a high level of endemism, and is home to endangered dugongs ( Dugong dugon) with the third largest population, and is an important nesting site for green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). In the lagoons of New Caledonia there are many water species ranging from plankton to larger fish and even sharks.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority works closely with international, national, state and local agencies in the conservation and protection of biodiversity. A protected species is a plant or animal that is protected by law and needs special management. The largest barrier reef in the worl the Great Barrier Reef is located just off the coast of the east coast of Australia. Invasive Species - The Great Barrier Reef , n. Endangered species are in every different biome and ecosystem and different efforts to stop the extinction are always being attempted.

In The Great Barrier Reef the most endangered species is the dugong , it is also the most endangered species in the world. One of the World Heritage values of the Great Barrier Reef Region is that it contains major feeding grounds for large populations of the endangered species , Dugong dugon. Australia has international responsibilities for the management of dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef Region. In addition, the dugong has high biodiversity value as the only species in the Family Dugongidiae and one of only four species in the.

A humpback whale mother and her calf Green Sea Turtle. Dugong (Sea Cow) The Great Barrier Reef does not just attract species of marine life, but also attract people. This reef is a beautiful view above and below the.

The aim was to protect the Great Barrier Reef as a place of exceptional beauty and significance, and a home to rare and endangered species - a place of Outstanding Universal Value.

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