What is relative record number (RRN)? Businesses can use a registered identification number (RN) in place of a company name on the required label. An RN is not required.

In the registration numbers of foreign residents, these number indicate which agency issued the registration number. The first two b digits refer to the regional government in which the birth was registered. Relative Record Number (RRN) is the number that indicates the location of a logical record. The RRN is used to retrieve the logical record from a data set. RRN can refer to: Relative record number.
Resident registration number. Route reestablishment notification. Run River North, an indie folk-rock band from Los Angeles, California.
Return the relative record number and employee name from table EMPLOYEE for those employees in department 20. The license plate renewal notice you received has a Renewal Reference Number (RRN) on it. Information in this system is based on data submitted to the FTC. The information is accurate and current only if it has been kept up-to-date by the submitter. We encourage submitters to review their records and update their RN information as necessary.
If someone asked me today to write a program using RRN I would ask them Why? If, for example, a record has the RRN of there does not have to be nine records before it. A searchable database documenting variation in ribosomal RNA operons ( rrn ) in Bacteria and Archaea. You would think that there is a more efficient way to access records by RRN.

Rural Reconstruction Nepal ( RRN ) P. The reference number is created technologically and designated. You may save and print a copy of an Energy Performance Certificate you obtain from this register as long as you do so for your own purposes. RRN stands for Routing Recording Number. If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Routing Recording Number , please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Routing Recording Number in English language. Looking for abbreviations of RRN ? Each unique RRN explicitly encodes a person’s demographic information.
Birthdate, gender, and place of birth are all part of an RRN. Retrieval Reference Number listed as RRN. Find out what is the full meaning of RRN on Abbreviations. But I checked my bank statement yesterday and found no mention of that amount.
I contacted cleartrip and they provided me RRN number (refund reference number ) and asked me to give that to my State Bank Of India branch and said the bank staff would able to trace the refund amount. Department of Transportation. This page illustrates how RRN is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat.
The Renewal Reference Number ( RRN ) from your renewal notice. A valid credit card (VISA, MasterCar American Express, or Discover) to pay the applicable fee. See “WI Vehicle Registration Renewal Fees below. An ARN (Acquirer Reference Number ) is a tracking ID with which you can trace the status of a transaction with your bank.
If you are a seller on Instamojo and have issued a refund to your buyer, you can let them track the status of their refund with the bank. To check your transaction status, Click on “Raise a ticket” option. Provide the information as directed. Enter your RRN , UTR or device transaction number.
You can find the RRN , UTR no.
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