Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bashar teachings

His knowledge comes to us from his multidimensional viewpoint, which to him is quite obvious and free of the confusion which so often plagues us “three-dimensional” beings. But you are, as All That Is, multi-dimensional, Infinite and Eternal as well, so truly this is only an apparency. TAKE ACTION ON THE OPPORTINUTY THAT CONTAINS THE HIGHEST EXCITEMENT. The highest excitement doesn't have to come in the form of a project or career.

A friend from the future who has spoken for the past years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience. It's a word he chose so that we would have some reference to call him.

In other words, your fundamental nature is that of existence (rather than that of non-existence). Bashar : And you as well. Existence is eternal, and since you exist, you are eternal as well! There is no need to fear your death or the idea of your non-existence, as you are eternal. Understanding this universal law, I’ve foun is quite relieving.

It never ends, you keep on going and you keep on expanding. So, if things aren’t going the way you’d “like” for them to, it’s ok! You have an eternity to figure everything out.

See full list on raiseyourvibrationtoday. We are experiencing our consciousness through a created filter of time and space. However, this filter is simply a creation of ours that allows us to experience expansion in a linear fashion. In “reality” everything exists in one place (here) and in one time (now).

In addition, you only ever exist in this here and now moment. Now is the only place you will ever be, and now is where 1 of your power is. Focus your attention here and now.

Many people believe they are separate from the whole of the universe. The entire universe, it seems at times, is a bunch of stuff outside of “me. However, you ARE the entirety of existence functioning as YOU. I am the entirety of existence functioning as ME.

This is useful, because it helps you understand that everyone is in this with you. We are all of the same thing, we all work together, we all need each other and rely on each other. This fundamental law has made a massive improvement on the way I relate to other people, and to the divine. Additionally, if you spend of your time thinking about and focusing on your business, your business will take up approximately of your life. If, instea you spend of your time focused on your family, family will take up the bulk of your reality.

Further, if you judge others, they will judge you back. This final law describes the ever-changing nature of reality.

If you love others, they will love you back. No matter what we do, we are incapable of stopping change. Different faces, different places, different events, beliefs and ideas. Reality is constantly in flux and it is constantly expanding. Old information and technology is continuously revampe improved and replaced.

It’s helped me move forward when things have change where in years past I would cling to what was. If everything changes, and change is inevitable, you might as well go with the flow and enjoy the journey. Just know that even though everything will change, the first four laws will remain constant no matter where you leap to next. In this way, you always have a map and you will always know what to. The All is one and the One is all.

I have seen what they look like only in the dream state. Everything is interconnected and singular. The entire Essassani civilization is based on unconditional love, ecstasy, fun, following your excitement, being totally non-judgemental, and giving. Which, again, we do by getting in touch with the belief that is creating our current reality and replacing it with the belief we prefer.

You are the courage and strength of.

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