If you are concerned that someone is doing the wrong thing in relation to the JobKeeper payment, you can tell us about it. We will be examining JobKeeper Tip-Offs and contacting businesses where we have concerns and need more information. ATO to establish the appropriate systems, and for employers to complete their applications.
Payment in arrears facilitates the ATO conducting compliance and audit activities to ensure the JobKeeper Payment is passed on to employees, including by utilising existing reporting such as Single Touch Payroll. High call volumes may result in long wait times. Before calling us, visit COVID-, Tax time essentials , or find to our Top call centre questions. If an overpayment of JobKeeper is identifie we may decide the overpayment does not. You don’t need to contact the ATO.
That is all you need to do. Everything else is managed by your employer. The ATO has all its existing penalties that it can apply to companies who operate in that sort of way. If you’re identified as being ineligible, or your application is considered fraudulent, it’s expected that you will need to repay all the wages as well as additional financial penalties. At this stage, the ATO has not outlined what these penalties are, but based on previous audits, these are expected to be.