If your business has been removed from Sho. The process of selling a business on Exchange can be complicate depending on the business involved. But in general, it follows these steps: 1. Ensure you meet the listing eligibility and have reviewed the Exchange Marketplace guidelines.
Install the Exchange Marketplace app.
Create a listing for your business and submit it for review. After your review is approve publish your listing. The buyer will send you a message.
Funds are disbursed to you from Escrow and should arrive in your bank account within busines. It is our goal to provide a fair and safe environment for anyone who wants to buy or sell a business on Exchange. You accept the offer.
Learn More: How to Build Your Brand That’s why it’s all too easy to get stuck on pricing when you’re launching a new store or product —even before you write your product descriptions — but it’s.
When you’re selling your store , there are many ways you can ensure a smooth transition of ownership, and the first step is simply planning it.